Based in New Jersey, JNL Tours’ emphasis is to help your organization increase the community’s awareness of your existence and the value of your mission and programs. JNL Tours provides your organization the opportunity to present itself to a fresh group of people who are already aware of your program as they sign on to the particular tour. They participate because they have heard of the quality of our venues and are willing to share the experience with members of your organization.

The tour participants have the opportunity to learn more about your mission, its value and need. An expanded audience provides a larger membership pool of fresh resources and opportunities for more successful programs.

A typical venue includes a day trip by bus (for approx. 30 - 50 attendees) to and from the indicated venue, that provides a unique experience at exceptional value. The guests are encouraged to participate in a relaxed environment with the other guests on the trip. Initially, the common bond is the simple desire to be a part of the listed venue. They are also aware that the true purpose of the trip is to help support your programs’ mission. Our history has shown us that the return bus ride has created a stronger bond of a shared experience providing networking opportunities.

We provide the ambiance and event while you have the opportunity to succinctly present your program to the ‘captured audience.’ The activities are engaging yet readily allows one to read their smartphone or simply relax. We have found that shared experiences helps provide a fellowship that enhances the sense of collective ownership on your project. The other guests sharing the experience are much more likely to participate in the success of your mission.

The unique venues both encourages your organization to invite new guests outside your customary retinae and, potentially gain new resources for your organization. At worse, you will likely have shared an enjoyable experience and gained new friends. The additional guest are those wanting to enjoy the trip, knowing that it’s supporting an important mission.

Admittedly, the challenge of creating an affordable event of exceptional value for 30 - 50 guests does not allow much wiggle room for profit. The emphasis is on membership growth for your organization.

What we do - arrange the logistics of the event (bus, activities, destination, entertainment while on the bus). We arrange venues but are open to ideas. Our philosophy is that the experience begins the moment you step on the bus and doesn’t end until after you leave the bus back to your car. We expect that all will still have a high energy level lasting for several days that leads to the success of your future programs.

Your organization is the featured reason for the venue. The program is designed to not disrupt your current priorities and resources while maximizing your organizations exposure and value to the larger community. We provide a pool of guests available because they have indicated the desire to be a part of our future events based on their past experience with us.
What you do - we recognize that most organizations have very demanding schedules and challenged resources. The success to your entity is based on how many of your members participate in effectively sharing the value of your organization. We strongly suggest that you organization commits at least 6 - 10 seats (more doesn’t hurt :-) to the trip. Pricing is generally between $55 - $95, depending on the program.

Your prospects may step onto the tour bus as individuals but will step off the bus to your venue as part of your extended network. Bring your prospects on board before the competition does.


Joseph Wesley, President
JNL Creative Tours, LLC.
PO Box 235 • Waldwick, NJ 07463